Time activity log
This article covers the basics of the time activity log. You may also want to review our time activity log FAQs.
About the time activity log
The activity log section (Reports > Activity log) shows all timesheet activity taken in the account. This includes:
- New time entries.
- Deleted time entries.
- Starting and stopping a timer.
- Edits made to time entries (such as changing the project, task, date, and/or hours).
- The person who made changes to a timesheet, and the person whose timesheet was changed.
- Hours moved in bulk from one project/task to another.
- Hours marked as invoiced or uninvoiced.
If you’re an Administrator, you can see everyone’s activity in the log. If you’re a Manager, you can see your own activity, changes made to your own timesheet, and activity pertaining to people and/or projects you manage. If you’re a Member, you can see your own activity and changes made to your own timesheet.
Enabling the time activity log
When the time activity log is enabled, you’ll be able to access data for up to the past 6 months. Administrators can enable the time activity log by taking the following steps:
- Head to Settings (top right).
- Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
- Scroll down to the Modules section and click Choose modules.
- Check the box next to Activity log, then click Save modules. This will enable the timesheet activity log for everyone in the account. Then, you can head to Reports > Activity log to see the log.
Who can see what by permission level
Members can see:
- Changes they’ve made to their own timesheet.
- Changes made to their timesheet by other people in the account.
- What was added or updated (i.e. changes to the project, task, date, or hours) on their own timesheet.
Managers can see:
- Changes they’ve made to their own timesheet.
- Changes made to their timesheet by other people in the account.
- Changes made to other people’s time for people and projects they manage.
- What was added or updated (i.e. changes to the project, task, date, or hours).
Administrators can see:
- All changes made across everyone’s timesheets.
Filtering the log
- The time activity log can be filtered by client, project, task, team activity, and time activity.
- While you can use multiple filters on the time activity log, you can only use either the Team activity OR Time activity filter. When making a selection within one of these filters, the other will not be available.
- The Team activity filter allows you to filter the report to show timesheet actions made by a specific person, including actions they took on another person's timesheet.
- The Time activity filter allows you to to filter the report to show the actions taken on a specific person's timesheet, including actions taken by others on the person's timesheet.
Exporting the log
From the Export dropdown, you can export the log to Excel or CSV.
Disabling the log
When you disable the activity log, it’ll be disabled for everyone in the account. Note that Harvest continues to keep track of actions taken in the account while the log is disabled, so if the log is enabled again, it will still show any timesheet actions taken within the last six months.
- Head to Settings (top right).
- Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
- Scroll down to the Modules section and click Choose modules.
- Uncheck the box next to Activity log, then click Save modules. This will disable the timesheet activity log for everyone in the account.