Troubleshooting sign in issues with two-factor authentication (2FA)

If you sign in to Harvest using two-factor authentication (2FA) and you're having trouble, please review the details below. 

Forgotten password

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it with the steps in our article on changing your password.

Lost access to the authenticator app

If you set up your 2FA to use an authenticator app and have lost access to that authenticator app, you can choose to send a code to your email instead. You can then continue using email codes whenever you sign in, or you can set up a new authenticator app.

To add a new authenticator app, go to the Security section of, click the green Review two-factor authentication button, and scan the image with your app.

Lost access to your email address

If you set up your 2FA to use email codes only and have lost access to the email address you use to sign in to Harvest, please reach out to us at

Can't sign in to desktop apps

If you can’t sign in to the Mac or Windows desktop app, you’ll need to first update to the latest version of the app, which has 2FA capability.

Other questions

We have answers to some frequently asked questions, including how 2FA works with Google Sign-In or if you belong to multiple Harvest/Forecast accounts, in our 2FA FAQs article.

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