Managing the Harvest + Forecast connection

Connecting Harvest + Forecast

To connect your Harvest and Forecast accounts, sign in to your Forecast account, head to your Settings, and click the Connect to Harvest button. You can read more in our article on how to integrate with Harvest

Note: Only Administrators can connect accounts. A single Harvest account can only be connected to a single Forecast account, and vice versa.

Disconnecting Harvest + Forecast

You can disconnect Harvest + Forecast at any time, from either application.

Disconnecting in Harvest

  1. Click on Settings (upper right corner).

    • Only Administrators can view and change Account Settings.
  2. Click Integrations in the left sidebar.

  3. In the Forecast section, click Disconnect.

Disconnecting in Forecast

  1. Click on Settings (top right).
  2. Scroll down to the Harvest Integration settings.
  3. Click Disconnect.  

Closing just one of the accounts

If your Harvest and Forecast accounts are still connected and you close one of them, the accounts will be unlinked, and the remaining account will no longer benefit from the integration features. It will remain active, however, and you and your team will continue to have access to it.

Note: If you place your Harvest account on hold, your linked Forecast account will remain active and will stay connected to the on hold Harvest account. However, if the Harvest account isn’t reactivated after six months, it will be permanently deleted. If the Harvest account is deleted, the Forecast account will remain active, but it will be disconnected from Harvest.

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