How to add expenses 🎦
You can enter all of your expenses under Expenses in Harvest. This article covers how to enter expenses and how to upload receipt images. If you use Timesheet approval, you can also submit them for approval with the rest of your timesheet.
If you need to change or delete an expense, you can easily edit your expenses.
Creating an expense
Go to Expenses.
- Note: If you don’t see this section, an Administrator may need to turn it on under Settings > Choose modules.
Click the green Track expenses button.
Choose your date, project, and category. Enter your amount, which may be a monetary amount or another unit that Administrators can set up under Manage > Expense categories. You can also add a note or expense receipt.
- Note: Expenses can be entered in the associated client’s currency. You can update that currency on a client’s profile under Manage > Clients.
Check the box beside This expense is billable if necessary. “Billable” means you will invoice your client for the expense. Nonbillable expenses are not billed to your clients. They cannot be pulled into an invoice, and are not included in your uninvoiced amounts.
- Note: Expenses tracked to billable projects will default to being billable. Expenses tracked to nonbillable projects will, by default, be nonbillable.
Click Save expense.
If you’re an Administrator or a Manager with special permission to edit expenses, you can edit another person’s expenses by clicking the Teammates button in the top right of your expenses screen.
Note: Your list of expense options—which we call expense categories—can be added and edited under Manage > Expense categories. Only Administrators can edit expense categories. Learn more about managing expenses.
Uploading a receipt
In Expenses, you can upload a receipt when you add an expense. There are two ways to do this:
- Click the Attach receipt link.
- Drag and drop your receipt image into the orange New expense box.
Some things to keep in mind:
- You can upload these file types: .png, .gif, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg
- You can also upload receipts from the iPhone app or Android app.