I have to sign in every time I visit Harvest. How can I stay signed in?
There are a few reasons you might be asked to sign in every time you visit Harvest: Your profile session length has been changed, you use sign in with Google but you've signed out of your Google account, your browser settings need to be updated.
Changing your profile's session length
Your session length defaults to 60 days, but it can be changed to limit your session to 18 hours. When this is the case, you'll be signed out of Harvest more frequently.
To update the session length for your profile:
- Go to http://id.getharvest.com and click Security (upper right corner).
- Under Session length, select 60 days.
- Click Update session length to save your changes.
You signed in to Harvest ID with Google but have since signed out of your Google account
When you restart your browser or, at the latest, within a day after you first signed in, Harvest ID will check whether you’re still signed in to your Google account so it can authenticate you that way. If you are signed out of your Google account, you’ll be asked to sign in to Harvest manually.
Stay signed in to your Google account if you also want to stay signed in to Harvest ID.
Your browser’s privacy or cookie settings need to be changed
If you’re asked to sign in more than once a day and/or you’ve tried the previous two suggestions but Harvest ID is still signing you out frequently, please check your browser’s privacy or third-party cookie settings to make sure you're allowing cookies from Harvest.
You'll also want to make sure your browser isn't deleting your cookies each time you close the browser.
None of these settings apply to me
Please contact us and we’ll help you troubleshoot.