Timesheet approval FAQ

Can time and expenses be approved separately?

No. Time and expenses are both considered parts of a timesheet and will be approved together.

Why can’t I add time for today?

Approving a timesheet locks all the time and expense entries for that calendar week. If you’ve accidentally submitted your timesheet midweek and it’s already been approved, an Administrator will need to withdraw approval to allow you to add more entries.

What timesheets can Managers approve?

Managers can approve time and expenses submitted by people on projects they manage and by their assigned people.

If a Manager only manages projects, they'll only be able to approve time and expenses for projects they manage.

If a Manager only manages people, they'll only be able to approve time and expenses submitted by their assigned people.

Why am I receiving timesheet submission notifications?

Administrators and Managers can choose to receive an email notification when timesheets are submitted for projects they're set to manage. 

Managers with assigned people can choose to receive an email notification when timesheets are submitted by their assigned people. 

This notification can be enabled/disabled by individuals. Click your name in the upper right corner and select Notifications. Select or deselect next to Approval. 

Is there an audit log for timesheet approval so I can see who approved a timesheet and when it was approved?

We do not currently offer a customer-facing activity log for timesheet approval. 




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