How do I merge/combine two Harvest accounts?

While it isn't possible to merge data from two or more Harvest accounts into a single account, you can export data from one account and import most of that data into another account. 

Only Administrators can import data into an account. In addition, our Free plan doesn't allow data import.

Importing and exporting data

The following Help Center pages have information about both exporting and importing different types of data, and there are also sample CSV files for importing that you can download. You'll want to ensure your CSV files are properly formatted before attempting to import. Each article below covers exactly how you should set those up:

We recommend importing data into your new account in the order listed above—note that the pages above indicate imports that will automatically create some data in your account if it doesn’t yet exist.

Limitations of importing

You cannot import all of a project’s settings. All new projects included in the CSV file will be created with the Time & Materials project type. After importing, you'll need to edit the project to update the project type and to select settings like billable rates, fees, budget, the people assigned, and tasks. 

It is not possible to import invoices or estimates, though both can be exported from your Settings (top right) in the Export Data section.

Reverting an import

You can revert an import that’s been uploaded to your account within the last 30 days. Reverting an import will attempt to permanently delete any data the import created in your account. Note that any records that have been edited since being imported can’t be deleted with this process. For edited data—like a time entry that’s been updated or a project name that’s been changed—you’ll need to manually delete or archive those records.

To revert an import:

  1. Click on Settings (top right).
    • Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
  2. Scroll to the Import data section and click the Revert an import button.
  3. Click the Revert button to the right of the import you’d like to revert.
  4. You’ll be asked to confirm your action. Type DELETE.
  5. Click Revert import to confirm.

For your records, Harvest will send you an email once the revert is complete.


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