Project analysis

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The project analysis page contains crucial project reporting details. You can access a project’s analysis page by going to Projects, then clicking on the name of the project you need. On this page, you'll find the project progress graph, hours per week graph, monthly progress graph (for projects with a monthly recurring budget), and summary reports for your project. 

Project graphs

There are two types of project graphs. You can switch between the two by clicking these buttons in the top left of your graphs:

Project progress graph

The line graph shows you how hours for the project have accumulated over time. If you have a budget set up, the graph will show you the budget burned compared to the budget total, and will show that in hours or fees, depending on how your project is budgeted.

You can see the velocity of how the project approaches its budget as well as when and where the project goes over budget. Here’s an example with an hours-based budget:

Hours per week graph

The other graph is a discrete bar graph that shows you each week’s hours. It’s a handy way for you to compare each week’s time put into the project.

The graph also shows billable hours versus non-billable hours. Non-billable hours appear in a lighter shade of gray.

Summary data

Right below the graph is a series of important data for the project: total hours spent, billable vs. non-billable hours, budget summary, internal costs, and the uninvoiced amount.

If you’re looking at a Time & Materials or Fixed Fee project that budgets by project fees, you’ll see a “?” icon in the Budget remaining section. Click on it to see a breakdown of the budget:

Internal costs consist of labor costs (calculated from your team’s cost rates) and expenses.

Note that the information available here will differ depending on the type of project you’re viewing, the project’s settings, and your permissions.

Budget resets each month

For Time & Materials and Non-Billable projects, as well as for Fixed Fee projects that budget in hours, you can set a project’s budget to automatically reset every month. You can view our guide on setting budgets to find out how to enable this option.

With this feature enabled, Harvest will calculate the project’s budget spent using tracked time (and expenses, where applicable) incurred during the current calendar month only, rather than over the entire lifespan of the project. On the 1st day of each new month, the budget spent will be reset to 0%, and the budget remaining will be 100%.

On the project analysis page, you’ll find a new Monthly progress graph that makes it easy to see at a glance how the project has performed against the budget each month. Hovering over each bar will show the budget spent and budget remaining for the month.

With a monthly resetting budget, you’ll also see different information in the project’s summary data. The summary data below the graph will show the total hours tracked for the month and either the hourly or fee-based budget remaining for the current month. The internal costs and uninvoiced amount will show data for the entire lifespan of the project.

For a Non-Billable project with a budget set, the hourly budget you set will reset every month, as it would with a billable project. This will allow you to still track internal projects with a limited budget of hours per month, and the tracked hours won't carry over between months.

Projects linked to Forecast via the Harvest + Forecast connection will only show limited information when using a monthly budget:

  • Scheduled hours and the forecasted spend and forecasted budget remaining are not plotted or displayed on the monthly progress graph. In the hours per week graph, you’ll still see the estimated hours per week based on assignments in Forecast.
  • The forecasted hours for each person during the month will show in the Estimate column of the project's Team tab.
  • Below the graph, you’ll still be able to see the projected amount of the budget your team will use during the current month based on forecasted hours.
    Harvest and Forecast budget image
  • Within Forecast, monthly repeating budgets will not show in the remaining budgeted hours for the project. Instead, it will show as N/A.

Tasks, Team, and Invoices tabs

The top portion of the project analysis page shows summary data. In the bottom half of the page, the Tasks and Team tabs show tables with the summary data broken down by tasks or teammates. The Invoices tab shows all invoices linked to the project.

In the tables, you can click on any column’s header to sort by that column. You can also change the time period of the data you’re viewing using the dropdown at the top left of the table.

Click any row to get a breakdown of that row’s hours. For example, clicking on a task name will show you who tracked time to that task and how much. Clicking on the blue Spent hours will bring you to a detailed time report that shows each individual entry included in that number.

For Time & Materials projects, the Billable amount column will show billable rates multiplied by the time tracked, and you can see a Total billable amount at the bottom of the table.

For Fixed Fee projects budgeted by Total project fees or Fees per task, the If billed hourly column will show billable rates multiplied by the time tracked. This number tells you what the billable amount for the project would be, if you were billing your client at an hourly rate.

In the Invoices tab, you’ll find all invoices that have been linked to the project. For each invoice, you’ll see only the portion of that invoice that applies to the project you’re viewing.

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