Changing your name and email address
You can change the name and email address for all accounts you access, both Harvest and Forecast, that use the same name and email address from Harvest ID.
Update your Harvest ID name and email address for all Harvest and Forecast accounts
Note: Updating your name and email address from Harvest ID will apply to all accounts associated with your Harvest ID.
To update the first and last name or email address associated with your Harvest ID:
- Go to and, if necessary, sign in.
- Click My Harvest ID at the top of the page.
- Change your name or email address and click Update name or Update email.
When you change your email address, you’ll be asked to re-enter your password to confirm the change. If you don’t have a password because you sign in via Google, you can instead click the Send email instructions button to have an email sent to your current address; follow the link in the email to confirm the change to the new address.
Use the same email address to sign in to all of your Harvest and Forecast accounts
If you want to change your email address to one that's already in use on another Harvest or Forecast account, you can find additional guidance in this article: How can I use the same email address to sign in to all of my Harvest accounts?