Team overview

The team overview allows you to quickly see how your teammates are doing each week, including how much time they’ve tracked and how that compares to their capacity. Only Administrators and Managers with assigned people can see the team overview. You can get to this section by clicking Team in your navigation menu.

Note that if your account uses rounding, the time data here will be rounded according to your settings.

Timeframe and filters

The team overview shows you a week at a time, and you can use the arrow buttons at the top left to navigate to different weeks. Once you navigate to a past week, you’ll also see a Return to this week link that you can use to quickly jump back to the current week.

By default, Administrators will see everyone in the account while Managers will see only their assigned people in the team overview. To only see certain people, click the Everyone dropdown to filter by pins or roles. If you have a lot of roles and would rather not scroll through the list to find the one you’re looking for, start typing the first few letters of it to narrow down the list.

  • If you’ve already pinned people from their Actions dropdowns, you can select My pins here to see only those teammates.
  • If you’ve assigned roles to people, you can select a role here to see only the teammates associated with it. See more about roles in our article on assigning, editing, and deleting roles. 

Summary information

At the top of the Team overview, you’ll see the total time everyone has tracked so far this week and everyone’s total capacity. There’s also information about how much of that time is billable vs. non-billable and a visual indicator of how much of the total capacity has been used. If your account uses rounding, the time data here will be rounded according to your settings.

Team member information

The list of people is divided into Employees and Contractors, if you have both types of teammates. Each person has a dot to the left of their name, with orange indicating that they currently have a timer running and gray indicating that they don’t. Administrators have an Admin label to the right of their name, Managers have a Manager label, and Members have no label. See more about permissions in our team permissions article

For each person, you can see their total time tracked so far this week, their capacity, and how much of their time is billable. If your account uses rounding, the time data here will be rounded according to your settings. There’s also a visual indicator of their billable (darker color) and non-billable (lighter color) time relative to their capacity. This bar is blue as long as they’re under or at their capacity and turns red when they exceed their capacity. This can help you quickly see if someone is working more than expected, especially if they consistently have red here as you navigate through a number of weeks.

You can click a person’s name to go to their Person Page, which breaks down their total time by day of the week, project, and task and displays their full timesheet for the week.

Each person also has an Actions dropdown with a few different options:

  • Edit will take you to their user profile, where you can edit which projects they’re assigned to, their name and email address, their permissions, and more. Administrators can edit all of these details, while Managers can only edit some.
  • If you select Pin, they’ll be moved to the top of your team overview so you can see their information without having to scroll. This can be especially useful if you’re, say, a team lead and usually only need to review time for a particular group of people. Once you’ve pinned people, you can filter the Team overview to show only your pinned teammates using the Everyone dropdown at the top right. When you’re approving time and expenses (in Time > Pending approval), you can also filter that page to show only your pinned teammates.
  • Administrators can Archive anyone except the Account Owner. This will prevent them from signing in but maintain their data for reporting and invoicing, and you can restore archived people at a later date if they return to do more work for your company. You can’t archive yourself, but another Administrator can archive you as long as you’re not the Account Owner. See more information about archiving people.
  • Administrators can Delete anyone (except the Account Owner) who hasn’t tracked any time or expenses. This will permanently remove their user profile from your account. You can’t delete yourself, but another Administrator can delete you as long as you’re not the Account Owner.

If you have archived teammates, you’ll see a View archived people button at the top right of the page. Click that button to see the list of archived people and, if you want, either Restore them so they can access the account again or Delete them if they never tracked any time or expenses. Only Administrators can restore and delete people. 

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