Saved, shared, and recurring reports
Saving and sharing reports in Harvest allows you to save report filters for commonly run reports, share reports with others in your account, and set reports to be automatically generated and saved or shared.
When you run a time, detailed time, detailed expense, contractor, time activity log, or uninvoiced report, you’ll have the option to save or share the report. Time, contractor, and uninvoiced reports can also be automatically generated based on the timeframe you’re viewing the report for.
Note that when viewing saved and shared reports, they always have the most up-to-date version of the data in your account. For example, if you save a report for time tracked last week and then someone retroactively tracks time to last week, you’ll see that newly added time when viewing the saved or shared report for last week.
Saving and sharing a single report
To save or share a single report:
- Run the report you’d like to save or share from Reports > Time, Reports > Detailed time, Reports > Detailed expense, Reports > Contractor, Reports > Activity log or Reports > Uninvoiced.
- Choose Save report at the top right of the report.
- Name your report.
- Select if you’d like to save the report for just yourself (Don't share this report) or share it with others (Share with team).
- If you choose to Share with team, select the team members you’d like to share the report with. Keep in mind that anyone you share a report with will only be able to view details on the report that their permissions allow.
- To save or share just this report, leave the box next to Regenerate this report on an ongoing basis unchecked.
- Save report.
Saving and sharing a recurring report
When saving or sharing a recurring report, we’ll email all of the selected report recipients to notify them that a report has been shared with them and then again each time the report is automatically generated.
To save or share a recurring report:
- Run the report you’d like to save or share from Reports > Time, Reports > Contractor, or Reports > Uninvoiced.
- It is not currently possible to create recurring detailed time or detailed expense reports.
- Choose Save report to the top right of the report.
- Name your report.
- Select if you’d like to save the report for just yourself (Don't share this report) or share it with others (Share with team).
- If you choose to Share with team, select the team members you’d like to share the report with. Keep in mind that anyone you share a report with will only be able to view details on the report that their permissions allow.
- To save or share a recurring version of this report, check the box next to Regenerate this report on an ongoing basis.
- See below for more details on recurring timeframes.
- If you'd like to receive an export of the recurring report select Email me an export of this report and choose which report data you'd like included in your export.
- Note: Exports for recurring reports are only sent to the report creator, not to teammates the report has been shared with.
- Save report.
Recurring report timeframes
Recurring reports recur based on the timeframe in the report. If All Time or a custom timeframe is selected, a report cannot be set to recur.
This means reports can be set to recur for the following timeframes:
- Weekly: Will recur weekly for the previous week. Weekly reports will be generated on the week start day set in Settings > Preferences.
- Semimonthly: Will recur twice per month. On the 16th of the month, you get a report for the 1st - 15th of the current month. On the 1st of the month, you get a report for the 16th-last day of the previous month.
- Monthly: Will recur monthly for the previous month. A report is generated on the 1st of each month for the previous month.
- Quarterly: Will recur quarterly for the previous quarter. A report is generated on the 1st day of each new quarter for the previous quarter.
- Yearly: Will recur yearly for the previous year. A report will be generated on the 1st day of the new year for the previous year.
- Fiscal year: Will recur yearly for the previous fiscal year. A report will be generated on the 1st day of the new fiscal year for the previous fiscal year.
Viewing and managing saved and shared reports
You can view reports you’ve saved and reports that have been shared with you from Reports > Saved reports by clicking on a report in the list.
You can filter the saved reports page by All saved reports, My reports, Reports shared with me, and Archived reports (available only for Administrators).
The Archived reports view includes reports that were shared by teammates who no longer have access to the account. Administrators can duplicate or delete these reports.
Editing a saved or shared report
Only report creators can edit saved and shared reports. Editing a shared report will update the report for everyone who can view it.
There are two different ways to edit saved and shared reports.
Editing the saving, sharing, and recurring settings for a report
To edit the name of a report, whether a report is private or shared, whom the report is shared with, and/or if it’s a single report or a recurring report:
- Head to Reports > Saved reports.
- Select Actions > Edit next to the report you’d like to update.
- Make any edits you’d like and click Update report to save your changes.
Editing the data or filters for a saved or shared report
To change the data included on a saved or shared report (for example, the timeframe, clients, projects, tasks, teammates) or how the data from that report is displayed (for example, to show all hours, or only billable or non-billable hours, or only invoiced or uninvoiced hours):
- Head to Reports > Saved reports.
- Click into the report you’d like to edit.
- The way a saved/shared report can be edited depends on the report type:
- On a detailed time or detailed expense report, choose Show filters and/or click into the Show or Group by filters.
- For time, contractor, or uninvoiced reports, update the timeframe, any filters, and tabs as you’d like.
- If you chose Show filters in step 3 on a detailed time or detailed expense report, click Update report to view the report with the new filters. This new report won’t be saved until you take the action in step 5 below.
- Click into the report name dropdown and select Update existing report to apply the new settings to the saved report.
Duplicating or saving a report as a new version
Anyone can duplicate a report or save a new version of a report. These options are helpful if you’d like to make changes to a report that’s been shared with you but you are unable to edit it because you are not the report creator.
Duplicate a report
- Head to Reports > Saved reports.
- Select Actions > Duplicate next to the report you’d like to update.
- Make any edits to the report name, sharing status, and recurring status you’d like and click Save report to create a new report.
- The duplicated report will be saved in your list of saved reports and you can click into it to edit as you’d like.
- Once you’re done editing, click into the report name dropdown and select Update existing report.
Save a new version of a report you’re viewing
- Head to Reports > Saved reports.
- Click into a report.
- In the report name dropdown menu, choose Save as new report.
- Make any edits to the report name, sharing status, and recurring status you’d like, and click Save report to create a new report.
- Make any edits to the report filters and then once again click into the report name dropdown and select Update existing report.
Deleting a saved or shared report
Deleting a report will remove the saved or shared report from the account entirely. Deleting a report is permanent and there is no undo.
Only report creators can delete reports, with one exception: Administrators can delete reports shared by people who no longer have access to the account from the Archived reports filter on their saved reports page.
To delete a saved or shared report:
- Head to Reports > Saved reports.
- Select Actions > Delete next to the report you’d like to delete.