Time report 🎦
The time report in Reports > Time shows the hours and, depending on permissions, billable information for each client, project, task, and teammate.
Time report permissions
If you’re an Administrator, you’ll see all clients, projects, tasks, and teammates for the account. Managers will see time for projects they manage and their assigned people, and Members will see only their own time.
Video: How to use the time report
This video goes over the basics of using the time report.
What you’ll see
The time report includes summary data and a table with more detailed information.
A few notes about the numbers you’ll see on this report:
- If time rounding is turned on, all hours will be rounded according to your settings.
- All tabs will only display the clients, projects, tasks, or teammates with time tracked during the timeframe you’re viewing.
- The Uninvoiced amount excludes Fixed Fee projects.
- The Billable amount (in the summary panel and in individual items on all tabs) includes only Time & Materials projects by default. You can also include Fixed Fee projects by checking the Include Fixed Fee projects box. If this is not checked and a client, project, task, or teammate has time related only to Fixed Fee projects, there will be no Billable amount displayed.
- Managers will only see billable amounts if they have special permission to view billable rates.Â
Summary data
Reports > Time has a summary panel that shows your company’s Total hours, Billable and Non-billable hours, Billable amount, and Uninvoiced amount for the timeframe displayed.
Time report table
Below the summary is a table with time information organized into four tabs: Clients, Projects, Tasks, and Team.
Clients tab
The Clients tab shows time information by client. Clicking a client name will drill down further.
Projects tab
The Projects tab lets you compare all projects. Clicking a project or client name will drill down further.
Tasks tab
Under the Tasks tab, you’ll see a color-coded bar graph showing the distribution of hours per task. Clicking a task name will drill down further.
Team tab
The Team tab organizes people by Employees and Contractors and shows the people who have tracked time during the time period you’re viewing. Clicking a person’s name will drill down further.
Available actions on the time report
- If you'd like to save, share, and/or set this report to automatically recur, use the Save report button. More information is available in Saved, shared, and recurring reports.
You can change the report’s timeframe using the dropdown at the top right. You can also navigate back and forth through time with the arrows at the top left.
You can include Fixed Fee projects in the billable amount by selecting Include fixed fee projects. The billable amount will be calculated based on the projects' billable rates.
Check Active projects only to remove any archived projects from the report.
- View a detailed time report for the page you’re viewing by clicking Detailed report. Clicking any hour total will take you to a detailed time report for those specific hours.
Export any report you’re viewing from the Export menu.
- If you'd like to choose which data is included in your CSV or Excel export, choose Custom.
- If you’re using iWork Numbers, choose to export to CSV. Files exported to Excel aren’t compatible with Numbers.
Print the report by clicking the printer icon.
Individual client, project, task, and team reports
You can view more in-depth time reports by clicking an individual client, project, task, or teammate’s name under their respective tabs. The rules in the "what you'll see" section above about billable and uninvoiced amounts also apply to individual reports.
Client report
You’ll see:
- The summary data updated to reflect the client.
Projects, Tasks, and Team tabs with billable information for the client.
- If you click a project, it will take you to a project report.
- If you click a task row, it will expand to show you the teammates who have tracked time to that task.
- If you click a team row, it will expand to show you which projects that teammate has worked on for that client.
Project report
You’ll see:
- The summary data updated to reflect the project.
Tasks and Team tabs with billable and rate information for the project.
- If you click a task row, it will expand to show you the teammates who have tracked time to that task.
- If you click a team row, it will expand to show you which tasks that teammate has worked on for that project.
- A See full project report link (under Total hours).
- This link will take you to the project’s analysis page, where you can see budget information and, in the Tasks and Team tabs, time and billable/cost information for the entire length of the project.
Task report
You’ll see:
- The summary data updated to reflect the task.
- Projects and Team tabs with billable information for the task.
Team report
You’ll see:
- The summary data updated to reflect the person.
- Projects and Tasks tabs with billable information for that person.