Profitability report

The profitability report allows your team to visualize revenue, cost, and profit margin in order to track your company’s performance over time. You can access this report from Reports > Profitability. The profitability report is only visible to Administrators. 

Note:  Profitability reporting is only available on the Harvest Premium plan. 

If you have questions about missing rates, fees, or dates on the profitability report, please see Fixing missing rates and dates on the profitability report for more information.

How Harvest calculates profitability

Profitability = Revenue - Cost

Profitability for Time & Materials projects

Revenue for Time & Materials projects is defined as the billable amount that results from billable hours multiplied by billable rates.

Cost for Time & Materials projects is defined as (time tracked x cost rates) + expenses. 

Profitability for Fixed Fee projects

Revenue for Fixed Fee projects is determined by the fee set for the project divided by the number of days you expect to work on the project (based on the start and end dates you enter for the project). 

Cost for Fixed Fee projects is defined as (time tracked x cost rates) + expenses.

Viewing the company profit report

The top portion of the profitability report includes a chart that visualizes profit at the company level. The timeframe on the report will default to display the current quarter, but you can adjust the view by using the arrows at the top left or selecting a different period from the timeframe dropdown at the top right. 



The company-level report will display costs and revenue as a chart with a line graph to visualize profit trends over time. You can get a breakdown of a specific timeframe by hovering over the bars in the chart—from there, you’ll see a tooltip that shows specific numbers for revenue, cost, and profit.

Below the chart, you’ll see a revenue breakdown that shows the split between uninvoiced and invoiced revenue, as well as a cost breakdown for time and expenses. You can also see profit broken down at the company-level absolute profit and the percentage margin. 

Reading the profitability report table 

Below the company profit report is a table with information organized into four tabs: Clients, Projects, Team, and Tasks.

A few notes on the report:

  • If time rounding is turned on, all hours will be rounded according to your settings.
  • All tabs will only display the clients, projects, teammates, or tasks with time tracked during the timeframe you’re viewing on the company-level report above.
  • Note that Fixed Fee projects are not included in the profitability calculations in the team or tasks tabs. This is because Harvest does not have a way to distribute revenue among individual people or tasks on a Fixed Fee project.

Clients tab

The clients tab shows the revenue, cost, profit, and profit margin by client for the time period selected on the report. Clicking a client name will drill down further into that client’s projects for that same time period. 

Projects tab

The projects tab will display the revenue, cost, profit, and profit margin by project for the time period selected on the report.

Selecting a Time & Materials projects project from the projects tab will allow you to view the Tasks and Teammates associated with the selected project in that timeframe. We are unable to show profitability data for Fixed Fee projects at the task or person level though. 

Team tab 

The team tab will display the revenue, cost, profit, and profit margin by teammate for the time period selected on the report. Note that Fixed Fee projects are not included in the profitability calculations in the team tab. This is because Harvest does not have a way to distribute revenue among individual people on a Fixed Fee project.

Tasks tab

The Tasks tab will display the revenue, cost, profit, and profit margin by teammate for the time period selected on the report. Note that Fixed Fee projects are not included in the profitability calculations in the tasks tab. This is because Harvest does not have a way to distribute revenue among individual tasks on a Fixed Fee project.


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