Version 1 billing: How can I pay via check or bank transfer?
You are viewing documentation for our v1 billing system. You can check what version you’re using on your Harvest Account Settings page.
Learn more about billing versions
If you have 10 or more seats in your account and are paying yearly, you can pay for your Harvest subscription via bank transfer or check. In all other cases, we only accept payment by credit card.
If you have 10+ seats and are paying monthly, it’s easy to switch to yearly payment and request an invoice.
If you're upgrading from a trial:
- Click Upgrade at the bottom of any page in Harvest.
- Select a Yearly billing cycle, enter the number of seats you need on the account, and click the Continue to billing button.
- Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
- You must enter at least 10 seats to have the option to request an invoice.
- Select the Request an invoice… link at the bottom left of the checkout page.
- On the next page, fill in your billing and email addresses.
- Click Send invoice.
If you’re currently paying yearly for 10+ seats:
- Click on Settings (upper right corner).
- Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
- In the Billing tab, in the Payment method area, click the Pay by check button.
- On the next page, fill in your billing and email addresses.
- Click Send invoice.
If you’re currently paying monthly for 10+ seats:
- Click on Settings (upper right corner).
- Only Administrators can view and change account settings.
- In the Billing tab, in the Subscription plan area, click the Pay yearly button.
- Select the Request an invoice… link at the bottom left of the checkout page.
- On the next page, fill in your billing and email addresses.
- Click Send invoice.
What happens after I request an invoice?
Your Account Owner will receive an invoice within 24 hours.
Some things to note:
- If your team needs a PO added to an invoice, contact us with the invoice ID and the PO number. We’ll update the invoice and resend it.
- An Administrator can update your billing info, including the address, company name, and invoice recipients from Settings at any time.
- To add additional information to your invoices, such as a VAT number or your full business name, follow the details in this article: How do I add my company’s tax information to my Harvest subscription receipt or invoice?
- You can learn more about managing your subscription in this article: Adding seats to or removing seats from your subscription.