Recurring payments

If you use our recurring invoices feature, your clients can enable recurring payments in some instances.

How clients enable recurring payments

If a recurring invoice template is configured to automatically send invoices to your clients, and your client is paying a recurring invoice through Stripe, we'll ask those clients if they'd like to enable recurring payments. 

Once a client chooses to activate recurring payments, they’ll be asked to add a form of payment. Going forward, your client will be automatically billed according to the terms of the recurring invoice.

Failed recurring payments

If a recurring payment fails, we’ll send an automatic email to inform your client. The email will include a link to their client dashboard, and we’ll let them know that we’ll retry the payment in 48 hours.

If payment fails after the second attempt, no further attempts will be made. We’ll send the client another email letting them know that the payment has failed and that they have to manually pay the invoice. Even if that happens with one invoice, the following invoice in the recurring series will try to collect the recurring payment as usual.

How clients manage recurring payments

Clients can stop recurring payments, edit payment details, and check next payment dates from the client view using the client dashboard

If you don’t have the client dashboard module enabled in your account, your clients will still be able to access the parts of it related to recurring payments from their web invoices, but they won’t see information about all of the open and recently paid invoices they have with you.

When recurring payments are enabled, both you and your clients will see a client dashboard header at the top of any web invoice that reads See all open invoices as well as a banner at the top of the invoice with a link to Update recurring payment:

Your client can click the See all open invoices button or the Update recurring payment link to get to the client dashboard and manage their recurring payment details.

When clicking Update recurring payment they'll then see an option to Update payment details or Stop recurring payment. They can get to this same page by clicking See all open invoices instead and then clicking into a specific recurring payment:

Sharing a direct link to the client dashboard with your client

If you'd like to share a direct link to a client's dashboard with them:

  1. Head to Invoices > Overview.
  2. Click into an invoice for the client. 
  3. Click the $ Preview button to the top right. 
  4. Click the See all open invoices button on the invoice. Then, share the link for the client dashboard page that opens up. 


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