Mobile app: Tracking expenses

With our mobile app for iPhone and Android, you can enter expenses and upload photos of your receipts from your phone directly to your Harvest account.

Entering expenses in the mobile app

  1. Tap the Expenses button (receipt icon) in the menu at the bottom of your screen.

    • If you want to add the expense to a different week, swipe left or right or use the arrows at the top right to move between weeks.

  2. Tap the green + New expense button at the bottom.

  3. From the Choose a project screen, select a project.

    • You can scroll through the list of active projects or enter the desired project name in the search bar.

    • If you’re an Administrator or a Manager with create project permissions, you can create a new project by tapping the plus sign. You may want to sign in to your account in a web browser later to edit project details.
  4. From the Choose Category screen, select a category.

  5. If needed, tap the Date field to choose a different date.
  6. Enter the expense's amount in the Amount field.
  7. If you’d like, enter notes in the Write a note (optional) field.

  8. If you'd like, you can upload a receipt now or later. You can find details on this in the Uploading receipts section of this article.
  9. Mark the expense as either Billable or non-billable by tapping the toggle on or off.

  10. Tap Save expense.

Uploading receipts to expenses tracked in the mobile app

You can upload photos of your receipts or attach PDF files when creating or editing expenses. To upload an expense receipt photo or PDF file:

  1. From the Edit expense or New expense screen, tap Add receipt (camera icon).
  2. Choose Take a photo, Choose from Library, or Upload a PDF.
    • Receipt photos taken through the app will automatically save to your camera roll.
  3. Tap Save expense

Note: Uploaded receipt images may be resized.

Editing and deleting expenses in the mobile app

Tap the entry you need to change. To edit it, update any fields you need to, then tap Update expense. To delete it, tap Delete.

You can also delete an entry by long-pressing on the expense and tapping Delete.

Submitting your expenses for approval in the mobile app

If your plan supports timesheet approval and it's enabled in your account, you can submit your expenses as part of your timesheet by taking the following steps:  

  1. Tap Submit below your weekly summary bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Review your expenses (and time, if any) for the week, and tap Submit to submit your timesheet or Cancel if you need to make changes.

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