Mobile app: Installing, signing up, and signing in and out
Installing the mobile app for iPhone or Android
Search Apple's App Store (iPhone) or Google's Play Store (Android) for Harvest: Track Time & Invoice, or use the links in this sentence to go directly to the app listing for iPhone or the app listing for Android. Tap the button on the listing to install the app.
Signing up for a new Harvest account
Only take these steps if you want to create a completely new Harvest account. If you're trying to join an existing account that your organization has already created, please first follow the link in the invitation email you received. After you've done that and set up your profile in the account, you can sign in to the app as described in the Signing in section of this article.
To create a new Harvest account:
- Open the app and tap Try Harvest Free on the sign-in page.
- Choose how to sign up and complete the process.
- If you have a Google Workspace or Gmail address, you can choose to Sign up with Google. You may be asked to authenticate with Google. On the next page, add your Company name and tap Sign up.
- Or, with any email address, fill in the requested fields and tap Sign up.
- Once you're in your account, complete some or all of the tasks in the Let's get set up! section of Home to start tracking time and expenses. You may also want to sign in to your account in a web browser, where you can manage account settings and additional details for projects, tasks, clients, and more.
Signing in
- After you open the app, choose how to sign in and complete the process.
- If the account requires Google Sign-In, or if you have a Google Workspace or Gmail address and would like to sign in this way, tap Sign in with Google. You may be asked to authenticate with Google.
- Or, enter your Work email and the Password you've previously set, then tap Sign in.
- If you have multiple Harvest accounts, select a company name from the Choose an account to sign in list.
- You can switch accounts later by tapping the Account button in the menu along the bottom of your screen, then tapping Switch account.
If you've forgotten your password, go to the sign-in page in a web browser and click Forgot your password? to receive a password reset email.
Signing out
- Go to Account.
- Tap Sign out at the bottom of the screen.
- Confirm that you want to sign out.