How do I assign a person to multiple projects?
You can assign people to all projects or to multiple projects from within their user profile.
How to assign a person to all projects
To assign a person to all current and future projects:
- Head to Team and click the Actions dropdown to the right of the teammate you’d like to update.
- Select Edit, then choose the Assigned projects tab on the left menu.
- Click into the Find and select projects to assign field at the top of the projects list.
- Choose Assign to all projects at the bottom right of the drop-down menu.
- Choose whether you'd like to automatically assign this person to all future projects with the Also assign to all future projects checkbox.
- Click the green Assign all projects button.
How to assign a person to multiple projects
- Head to Team and click the Actions dropdown to the right of the teammate you’d like to update.
- Select Edit, then choose the Assigned projects tab on the left menu.
- Click into the Find and select projects to assign field at the top of the projects list.
- Start typing a project name and choose the project you’d like to assign the person to. Repeat this process until all of the desired projects have been added.
- Click the green Assign projects button.
- You can turn off the option to automatically assign a person to all new projects by clicking the Disable link at the top of the person’s Assigned projects screen.
- If someone is already assigned to all current projects but the option to assign them to future projects has been disabled, you can turn it back on by clicking the Assign to all future projects link at the top of the person’s Assigned projects screen.
- You can also choose which projects a Manager or Administrator can manage from this section. Check the box in the Manages this project column next to any project the teammate needs to manage and the change will sync in the account automatically.
- If you assign an Administrator or Manager to all projects, the box underneath Manages this project will be checked automatically for each project. You can uncheck it next to any project the teammate doesn’t need to manage and it will sync in the account.
- If you increase a Member’s permissions level to Manager or Administrator, and then assign them to all projects, the Manages this project box will not be checked next to any project where they had tracked time as a Member. You’ll need to manually check the box next to those projects if you’d like the person to manage them.