How to view, edit, and submit another person's timesheet
Whether you want to review your teammates’ timesheets, add time on their behalf, or edit time entries, you can jump into someone else’s timesheet with just a few clicks.
Note: Only Administrators and Managers with special permission can view or edit another person’s timesheet.
View or edit another person's timesheet
- Go to Time.
- Click the Teammates button located in the top right corner of the timesheet.
- Select a teammate’s name to go to their timesheet.
You can then add, edit, and delete time entries, start and stop timers, and navigate through the calendar as you would on your own timesheet.
More details on editing time entries are available in our articles on tracking time in the Day view and Week view.
Resume editing your timesheet
When you've finished editing a teammate's timesheet, you can return to your own timesheet by clicking the Resume editing your own timesheet link in the warning message at the top of the page.
Submit another person's timesheet for approval
If your plan supports timesheet approval and you need to submit another person's timesheet, follow the steps to view their timesheet and click the Submit week for approval button (lower right corner). Then, click Yes, submit timesheet to confirm.
- If the person tracked only time, their timesheet will then be submitted.
- If they've tracked only expenses, or both time and expenses, you’ll be taken to a review screen and will need to click Submit for approval at the bottom of the page to confirm the submission.