What reports and exports are available in Harvest?
Harvest offers several in-app reports as well as exports that display data not shown within the app's reports.
Note that not all report types and export functionality are available to all Harvest plans. For more information about each report type, click on the related link to view the Help Center article for that report.
Harvest's in-app reports can help you find the data you need for your team’s time, expenses, invoices, and invoice payments. These reports, along with data from other sections of Harvest, can be exported to help your team analyze your data.
Below, you’ll find descriptions of each report in Harvest, along with where to find and export them.
Time report
The time report (Reports > Time) shows the hours and billable information for each client, project, task, and teammate.
Permissions: If you’re an Administrator, you can see all clients, projects, tasks, and teammates for the account in the report. Managers can see time for projects they manage and their assigned people, while Members can only see their own tracked time.
Export: Exporting the time report to a CSV or Excel file will provide a detailed time report. It’s not currently possible to export a time report that shows only the information seen in the web app. If your plan supports custom exports, you can choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export by clicking Export > Custom.
Detailed time report
The detailed time report (Reports > Detailed time) shows each individual time entry within a set of chosen filters. You can filter the report by timeframe, clients, projects, tasks, and team (or roles).
The report also allows Administrators to mark hours as invoiced or uninvoiced, and to move hours in bulk to another project or task.
Permissions: Administrators can run a detailed time report for all projects and people. Managers can run the report for projects they manage, for their assigned people, and for themselves. Members will only be able to run the report for themselves.
Export: This report can be exported to a CSV or Excel file which will contain more in-depth information about each individual time entry. If your plan supports custom exports, you can choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export by clicking Export > Custom.
You can export the in-app view to a PDF file and receive an emailed link to download the file. You can also export to Google Drive if you’ve set up the integration.
Detailed expense report
The detailed expense report (Reports > Detailed expense) shows each individual expense within a set of chosen filters. You can filter the report by timeframe, clients, projects, expense categories, and team (or roles).
The report also allows Administrators to mark expenses as invoiced or uninvoiced.
Permissions: Administrators can run detailed expense reports for all projects and people. Managers can run the report for projects they manage, for their assigned people, and for themselves. Members can only see their own expenses in the report.
Export: This report can be exported to a CSV or Excel file which will contain more in-depth information about each individual expense. If your plan supports custom exports, you can choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export by clicking Export > Custom.
To get a report that includes expense receipt images from Harvest, export it to PDF, and you’ll receive an emailed link to download the file.
Uninvoiced report
The uninvoiced report (Reports > Uninvoiced) shows projects with uninvoiced hours and expenses in a given timeframe.
Permissions: Administrators can see all projects in the uninvoiced report. Managers with permission to create invoices can only see projects they manage.
Export: This report can be exported to a CSV or Excel file which will show uninvoiced information for each project in the report. If your plan supports custom exports, you can choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export by clicking Export > Custom.
Profitability report
The profitability report (Reports > Profitability) shows revenue, costs, and profit for your projects.
Permissions: Only Administrators can view the profitability report.
Export: This report can be exported to a CSV or Excel file which will show the revenue, cost, and profit for each client, project, teammate, or task in the report, depending on which tab you're viewing when you export. If your plan supports custom exports, you can choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export by clicking Export > Custom.
Time activity log
The time activity log (Reports > Activity log) shows all timesheet activity taken in the account.
Permissions: Everyone can see edits to their own timesheet (either by themselves or by others). In addition, Managers can see timesheet activity for entries for people or projects they manage and Administrators can see all timesheet activity for everyone in the account.
Export: The time activity log can be exported in CSV or Excel format.
Invoice report
The invoice report (Invoices > Report) shows a list of each invoice issued during the selected timeframe.
Each invoice will be shown in its own row, along with the status, issue date, number of days in which it was paid, invoice ID, client name, amount invoiced, amount paid, and the balance remaining.
If you invoice in multiple currencies, the invoices will be broken down into sections by currency. Totals for tax amounts, amount invoiced, amount paid, and the balance remaining will be shown at the bottom of each currency section.
The report can be filtered by timeframe, client, and status (all, draft, sent, late, paid, written-off).
Permissions: Only Administrators are able to view the invoice report.
Export: This report has several export options:
- Export invoices to Excel or CSV: Information for each invoice will be exported to its own row in the file.
- Export invoices to PDF: When choosing this option, you’ll be emailed a link to download a ZIP file containing PDF versions of your invoices.
- Export line items to Excel or CSV: Each individual line item from every invoice in the report will be shown in its own row of the file.
Payments received report
The payments received report (Invoices > Report) shows a list of each invoice payment received during the selected timeframe.
Each payment will be shown in its own row, along with additional detailed data.
If you invoice in multiple currencies, the invoice payments will be broken down into sections by currency. Totals for payments received will be shown at the bottom of each currency section.
The report can be filtered by timeframe and client.
Permissions: Only Administrators can view the invoice report.
Export: Administrators can export this report to a CSV or Excel file to see information for each payment. You’ll be emailed with a link to download the exported file.
Contractor report
The contractor report (Reports > Contractor) shows all active contractors along with their total hours and costs within a given timeframe. It also shows archived contractors’ information if they’ve tracked time within the timeframe.
Permissions: Only Administrators can see the contractor report.
Export: Exporting this report will allow you to download a detailed time report for your contractors. To choose the data included in your Excel or CSV export, click Export > Custom.
Mobile apps
Reports in Harvest for iPhone and Harvest for Android allow you to view a report of your tracked time. If you’re an Administrator, you can also see a report of the entire team’s time.
Other exports
Other Harvest data that isn’t displayed in the in-app reports can be exported from your account as well. Administrators can export all of the files, while Managers only see export options for the people and projects they’re assigned to manage.
You can export a list of your account’s projects from Projects > Export. You can choose to export all active projects, only projects that are budgeted, or only archived projects.
You can export a list of your account’s active teammates from Team > Export.
Note: The export will not contain any information for archived teammates.
You can export an Excel or CSV file of your open estimates or every estimate in your account from the Estimates section of your account. To export a list of your open estimates, click the Open tab and click Export. To export all of your estimates, click the All estimates tab. You can filter by estimate status, client, or timeframe before clicking Export.
Clients and client contacts
From Manage > Clients, you can click Import/Export to export a list of your clients and client contacts to Excel or CSV. Exporting your clients will provide a file with each client's name and address. Exporting the client contacts will provide a file detailing the client, contact name, title, email, office phone, mobile phone, and fax number.
From Manage > Tasks, you can click Export to export a list of your tasks to Excel or CSV.
From Settings > Export data, you can export all of the time, invoice, and estimate data for your account.
- Export all time: A Detailed Time Report for all of the time data in your account will be exported as a CSV file.
- Export all invoices: You’ll be emailed a link to download a ZIP file containing all of your invoices as PDF files.
- Export all estimates: You’ll be emailed a link to download a ZIP file containing all of your estimates as PDF files.
Troubleshooting issues with report exports
If you're not receiving exported reports, please take a look at I'm not receiving emails from Harvest. What should I do? for some steps you can take to resolve this issue.