Members: Reports

Reports in Harvest help you review how you’re spending your time. You can report on which clients you've done work for, the projects and tasks you've been working on, and, if your account has access to expenses, what expenses you’ve tracked to your projects. In this article, you’ll find information on the time report, the detailed time and detailed expense reports, and your Weekly Harvest (a personal weekly time report emailed directly to you).

Time report

The time report shows the hours you’ve worked for each client, project, and task for the selected timeframe. To view your time report, head to Reports > Time.

A few notes about what you’ll see on this page:

  • If an Administrator in your account has turned on Time rounding, all hours will be rounded according to those settings.
  • All tabs will only display the clients, projects, or tasks with time tracked during the timeframe you’re viewing. You can change the timeframe by using the dropdown at the top right.
  • Time will always be displayed in decimal format in the time report, even if it’s displayed as HH:MM on your timesheet. For example, 2 hours and 30 minutes (2 1/2 hours) will display as 2.50.

Here’s a breakdown of what you'll see in each tab:

  • The Clients tab shows time information by client.
    • If you click a client name, it will take you to an individual client report, showing time information for all of the projects belonging to that client. Clicking a project name will take you to an individual project report.
  • The Projects tab lets you compare all projects to each other.
    • If you click a project name, it will take you to an individual project report.
  • Under the Tasks tab, you’ll see a color-coded bar graph showing the distribution of hours per task.
    • If you click a task name, it will take you to an individual task report.
  • Under the Team tab, you’ll see the total hours that you’ve tracked for that time period.
    • Note that Members aren’t able to view reports of other teammates’ time.

Actions on the time report

  • You can change the report’s timeframe using the dropdown at the top right. You can also navigate back and forth through time with the arrows at the top left.
  • Check Active projects only to remove any archived projects from the report.
  • If your company's account has access to saved and shared reports and you'd like to save, share, and/or set this report to automatically recur, use the Save report button. More information is available in Saved, shared, and recurring reports.
  • View a detailed time report by clicking the Detailed report button at the top right of the report. The detailed time report will show all the individual time entries that you’ve tracked. Time is displayed in decimal format, even if your timesheet uses HH:MM. You'll find more information about how to use the detailed time report in the following section of this article.
  • Print the report by clicking the printer icon.

Detailed time report

Detailed time reports show hours by date and entry. Members can only run detailed time reports for themselves. 

To run a detailed time report:

  1. Go to Reports > Detailed time.

  2. Choose a Timeframe.

  3. Filter the projects/tasks you want to see in the report with the input boxes.

    • You can choose more than one filter.
    • You can choose more than one item in each field.
    • Reports will include archived information automatically, but you’ll need to check the box next to Include archived items in filters if you want to specifically select archived items, such as archived projects, in your report filters.
  4. Click Run report.

Actions on the detailed time report

  • Click the Change filters button at the top right to change the timeframe, clients, projects, and/or tasks included in the report.
  • Use the Show and Group by dropdowns to filter and sort the time entries in different ways, and use the Active projects only checkbox to show only time tracked to currently active projects.
  • From the Export menu, you can export to Excel, CSV, and PDF. 
    • By default, CSV and Excel exports will contain more detailed information than what you see on the interface. However, if your company's account has access to custom exports, you can choose what data you'd like to include on CSV and Excel exports by selecting Export > Custom. From there, select the export format and sort the columns you'd like included on the export by dragging and dropping. Then click Export.
  • Print the report by clicking the printer icon.
  • If your company's account has access to save and share reports and you'd like to save the report for future reference or share it with someone else, use the Save report button. More information is available in Saved, shared, and recurring reports.

Detailed expense report

If your company's account has access to expenses, the detailed expense report shows expenses that you’ve tracked for the given timeframe and other filters that you select. Members are only able to run expense reports for their own expenses.

To run an expense report:

  1. Go to Reports > Detailed expense.
  2. Choose a Timeframe.
  3. Filter the clients/projects/categories you want to see in the report with the input boxes.
    • You can choose more than one item in each field.
    • For any field that’s left blank, the report will show expenses tracked to All… relevant items, including archived ones. If you click into the field, though, by default it won’t include archived items to choose as filters. Check the Include archived items in filters box if you do want to include those when you’re selecting filters.
  4. Click Run report.

Actions on the detailed expense report

  • Click the Change filters button at the top right to change the timeframe, clients, projects, and/or expense categories included in the report.
  • Use the Show and Group by dropdowns to filter and sort the expense entries in different ways, and use the Active projects only checkbox to show only expenses tracked to currently active projects.
  • From the Export menu, you can export to Excel, CSV, and PDF. To export a report that includes expense receipt images from Harvest, choose PDF.
    • By default, CSV and Excel exports will contain more detailed information than what you see on the interface. However, if your company's account has access to custom exports, you can choose what data you'd like to include on CSV and Excel exports by selecting Export > Custom. From there, select the export format and sort the columns you'd like included on the export by dragging and dropping. Then click Export.
  • Print the report by clicking the printer icon.
  • If your company's account has access to save and share reports and you'd like to save the report for future reference or share it with someone else, use the Save report button. More information is available in Saved, shared, and recurring reports.

Troubleshooting issues with report exports

If you're not receiving exported reports, please take a look at I'm not receiving emails from Harvest. What should I do? for some steps you can take to resolve this issue. 

Your Weekly Harvest report (personal time report)

Besides the time reports offered directly in Harvest, you can also choose to receive a personal time report, your Weekly Harvest report, by email. The report is sent on the first day of each week and contains graphs and summary data showing you how you spent your time over the previous week.

Note that the first day of the week can be any day of the week, and is a setting selected by the Administrators in your account. The data in the report may also be rounded based on your company settings.

Additionally, the emailed report reflects hours tracked as of the moment it’s generated, which is shown in the footer. We’re not able to resend the report with hours that were added or edited after that time.

To subscribe to or unsubscribe from your Weekly Harvest report:

  1. Click your name at the top right of any page in your account.
  2. Select Notifications.
  3. Check or uncheck the box for Email me a weekly report of my time.
  4. Click the Update notifications button to save your changes.

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