Members: Projects overview
As a Member, your Projects section will only list projects that you’ve been assigned to that are set to share the project report with everyone on the project. This is a project setting controlled by Administrators and Managers. As a result, your Projects page might not include all the projects that you can track time to—some (or all) may be missing.
If you do see a project listed there, you’ll be able to click on it to view its project analysis page and see the total project hours and, if applicable, the hourly budget. There will be a graph showing the project’s progress towards its budget, and if you scroll down below the project graph, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of your own hours on the project by task. Note that if the project has a fee-based budget, you won’t see any budget information.
To see all the projects you’re assigned to and can therefore track time to, click your name in the upper right corner of Harvest and select My profile, then select the Projects tab on the left. To track time to those projects, head over to Time > Timesheet and make a new time entry. You can find more information in our article on tracking time.