Members: My profile and Harvest ID

Each person in Harvest has a profile that contains information about them. In your profile, you can see which projects you’re on, view and edit details like your name and profile photo, choose which notifications you’d like to receive, change your password, and review connections to some Harvest-built and third-party integrations.

Some actions in your Harvest profile, such as editing your name or email address and changing your password, will take you away from the profile itself to your Harvest ID area. Harvest ID is the authentication system for Harvest and our other tool, Forecast. If you want more details about what exactly Harvest ID is and what you can do with it, take a look at our article all about Harvest ID.

To view your profile, click your name in the upper right corner of Harvest, then click My profile. Once you’re in your profile, you can navigate to Basic info, Assigned projects, Permissions, Notifications, and Security from the menu on the left. (There's also an Assigned people section, but Members won't see any information there, since they can't have people assigned to them.)

Basic info

In the Basic info section of your profile, you can view and edit your personal details. Here’s what you’ll see there:

  • First and last name
    • Changes here will also affect any other Harvest and/or Forecast accounts where you use the same Harvest ID (that is, the same email address).
  • Work email
    • You can’t update your email address from within your profile, but there’s a link there that will take you to the right place ( Then, enter your new email address and click Update email.
  • Timezone
    • The timezone will default to your account’s setting, which is controlled by your account Administrators. You can set your own timezone when you accept your invitation to the account, though, and can update it here whenever you need to if you are working from a different timezone. 
  • Photo
    • We recommend that your photo be 100 x 100 pixels.
  • Home
    • Choose whether to have the Welcome page available. When the Welcome page is available, you can click the house icon at the top left to access this home page, which shares some tips for getting started.

Assigned projects

In the Assigned projects tab of your profile, you can see which active projects you’re assigned to. You can track time to any of those projects in Time > Timesheet.

Note that some or all of the projects listed here might not appear in the Projects section in the navigation bar at the top of the screen—you’ll only see projects there if an Administrator or Manager has chosen to share their details with everyone on the project. You can see more info in our article on What projects can I see in my Projects section?


The Permissions section of your profile shows you what your permissions are.


In the Notifications section of your profile, you can manage the notifications we send to you.

Timesheet reminders

Need some help remembering to track your time? When you enable timesheet reminders in your profile, we’ll send you a notification if you haven’t tracked anything by the time you choose on the day(s) you select. Learn more in our article about sending timesheet reminders to yourself.

Your Weekly Harvest

If you check the box here, we’ll email you a personal report at the beginning of each week—Your Weekly Harvest—to give you a colorful overview of how you spent your time the previous week.

Other notifications

Here, you can choose to hear from us occasionally when we share updates, tips, and interesting stories related to Harvest.


Changing your password and other security-related settings

To change your password and review and edit other security-related settings, click the Go to Harvest ID security settings button in the Security ssection of your profile to jump to the Security section of your Harvest ID.

Click the green Change my password button there to receive a password reset email with a link you can follow to set a new password.

Viewing authorized integrations and applications

  • In the Integrations section of your profile’s Security tab, you can connect to or disconnect from some Harvest-built integrations, such as the Google and calendar integrations.
  • In the Authorized applications section, you can view any Harvest-built and third-party apps you’ve signed in to, such as our mobile and desktop apps. To revoke access to any of those apps, click the Revoke access button.

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