Exporting data
Depending on what data you want to export from Harvest, you’ll need to visit different sections of the account.
You can export time, expenses, invoices, estimates, projects, people, clients, contractor data, profitability reports, and time activity log reports. Note that not all plans have access to all of the features mentioned in this article.
Which data you can export depends on your permissions. Administrators can report on all data in the account, Managers can report on projects they manage and their assigned people, and Members can only report on themselves. For more specifics, refer to the export types below.
If you're looking for information on importing data into Harvest, see our article on importing data 🎦.
Data exports in your Harvest account Settings
Administrators can export all company time data, invoices, and estimates from Settings > Import/Export.
- If you click Export all time, all of your company time data will be downloaded as a CSV file. Harvest will either export the data immediately or email you when the file is ready to be downloaded, depending on the size of the export.
- If you click Export all invoices, a zip file with PDFs of all invoices will be downloaded from Harvest. The download may take some time, so Harvest will email you when the download is complete.
- If you click Export all estimates, a zip file with PDFs of all estimates will be downloaded from Harvest. The download may take some time, so Harvest will email you when the download is complete.
Data exports available from individual sections in Harvest
Exporting time
Anyone can export the time data they have access to from Reports > Time and Reports > Detailed time.
The time report (Reports > Time) can be exported to Excel or CSV. The export will include detailed information for each time entry captured in the report you’re viewing.
The detailed time report (Reports > Detailed time) can be exported to Excel, CSV, or PDF. The Excel and CSV formats will contain more detailed information than you see on the interface. Choose PDF to export a detailed time report similar to what you see on your screen.
Exporting expenses
If your plan has support for expenses, anyone can export the expense data they have access to from Reports > Detailed expense.
Detailed expense reports can be exported in Excel, CSV, or PDF format. Choose PDF to export a detailed expense report that includes expense receipt images.
Exporting invoices
If your plan has support for invoicing, Administrators can run invoice reports and payment received reports and export those from Invoices > Report. Invoice and payment received reports can be exported in Excel, CSV, and/or PDF format, depending on the type of report you run.
For more information please see exporting invoice and payment received reports.
Exporting estimates
If your plan has support for estimates, Administrators and Managers with permission to access the Estimates section can export from that page in either Excel or CSV format.
Exporting contractor reports
Administrators can export a detailed time report for people designated as contractors (rather than employees) in the account from Reports > Contractor. Contractor exports are available in Excel or CSV format.
Exporting profitability reports
If your plan supports profitability reporting, Administrators can export profitability reports from Reports > Profitability in Excel or CSV format.
Exporting time activity log reports
If your plan has support for the time activity log, that report can be exported from Reports > Activity log. All permission levels have access to the time activity log and can export the data they have access to in that report in Excel or CSV format.
Exporting projects
Administrators and Managers who manage projects can export project data from the main Projects section. More detailed project-specific data can be exported from a project’s analysis page. All project data can be exported in Excel or CSV format.
Exporting tasks
Administrators and Managers with special permission to create tasks can export tasks from Manage > Tasks. Task exports are available in Excel or CSV format.
Exporting people
Administrators and Managers with assigned people can export people from the Team section. People exports are available in Excel and CSV format.
Exporting clients and client contacts
Administrators and Managers with permission to create and edit clients can access Manage > Clients to export clients and client contacts. Client exports are available in Excel and CSV format.
Customizing exports
If your plan supports custom exports you can choose which data you'd like to be included in some exports and arrange the order of the data by choosing the Custom option when exporting a report. Custom exports are only available in Excel and CSV format and are supported on the following reports:
- Time report
- Detailed time report
- Detailed expense report
- Profitability report
- Contractor report
- Uninvoiced report