Asana: Track time to Harvest

The Harvest + Asana integration allows you to track time to Harvest directly from your tasks in Asana.

You can also import projects and people from Asana to Harvest, as described in Asana: Import projects and people.

Downloading the browser extension to track time in Asana

To enable time tracking in Asana you will first have to download the Harvest extension for Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Follow the directions to download and install the extension for whichever browser you use. 

Unfortunately, the Asana integration is not available in Safari. You'll need to use Chrome, Firefox, or Edge to be able to access the Harvest + Asana integration. 

Each member of your team will need to download the extension and enable it for themselves. It’s not possible to enable the extension at the account level for all teammates.

Tracking time in Asana

Once the extension for your browser has been downloaded and installed, you can track time from any Asana task that you have access to in Asana. 

  1. Select a task in Asana and click the timer icon. 
  2. A timer window will open. Select a project and task.
    • The first time you track time to an Asana task, you’ll need to manually specify a Harvest project and task. After the first time, Harvest will remember your project + task selection for that Asana task.
  3. Click Start timer or add a duration or start/end times and click Save.
    • When a timer is running the hands on the timer icon’s clock will be spinning.
  4. To stop a timer, click the timer icon again (it will have turned blue). The timer window will open, and you can click Stop timer.

Viewing time tracked in Asana using the integration

You’ll see totals for tracked time to Asana tasks in List view, Board view, and from the Task in Asana. When you click on the Harvest logo next to the tracked total, you’ll be taken to a detailed time report within Harvest filtered by task. 

List view

Board view 

Task view

Viewing time tracked using the integration on the time entry form in Asana

Note that for the below options to appear you need to use the timer button directly on your Asana tasks. If you use the toolbar icon of the browser extension to track time, you won't see any Asana reference for the time entry created.

If your team is tracking time to the same Harvest account using the integration, you'll see the total time tracked to that task at the bottom of the pop-up. In this case, the task "Buy a ladder" in Asana has had 14 hours tracked to it via the integration.

Viewing time tracked using the Asana integration in Harvest

When you track time from Asana, we'll add the name of the Asana task to the time entry note in Harvest, with a link back to the Asana task. This link is included on the Day view of timesheets as well as on the entry details in a detailed time report

Disabling Harvest time tracking in Asana

You can disable Harvest time tracking in Asana at any time by removing the extension from your browser. It is not possible to disable the extension for another teammate. 

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